Wednesday, April 23, 2008


More recent part of my testimony:
He is our Provider, He is in Control, He is love and He cannot do anything outside of love (one of the women from a women’s study said that last week). All the tests, trials, temptations are all from Him and He does it so we’ll know that He is Lord. That’s all that He wants is us to know that He is Lord. And I’ve been thinking about Matthew 6 that we studied last week and I think that we pray do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil..but we are death and death desires death and anything in this world is death and so we ask God knowing that we are going to be tempted that He should deliver us from the evil, from death and that’s the other big thing that He showed me was Is 54:1 I got this number in my head and I thought Lord you’re showing me about this verse that talks about singing for more are the children of the desolate women than her who has a husband and I’m not praying about a bunch of children. But I looked up the commentary and it said this is about Jerusalem being restored both physically and spiritually and I thought yeah – I’ll be close to God and allergy free, but I thought about it more and I thought the ultimate physical restoration would be death where there’s no more dying or crying or pain and interesting they would put spiritual in there because at the same time death is the ultimate physical restoration, the ultimate marriage with Jesus Christ when our spirits are to be at home and free with the Lord is also death.
The other thing He’s taught me about which Pastor Mike talked about this weekend is condemnation and I looked up the word and it means judgment and the only one that judges us is the enemy and when we walk in fear of judgment we continually put death back on the cross, we put Jesus back on the cross. So we can walk free of condemnation and free of judgment because Jesus died for us!
The other thing is that Psalm 51 and how David prayed the prayer of penitence after he went into Bathsheba and we can pray for jesus to forgive us and wipe us clean, but I’ve heard people talk about there always being a consequence to sin and in this prayer David is praying for more than forgiveness he’s praying for all the social, mental, physical, etc. implications to be taken away and that he would do anything for them to be taken away and God is like well my grace is sufficient for you, but what should we sin that grace should abound more? and that brings me to Sam.
He came to me and told me that his project was due and that he was just going to make it up because he had done that last time and I knew about that. Well I said WHAT and you go to Horizon and I can’t let you knowingly sin! He was angry and I put my arms around him and he’s getting big so it’s a little scary cause I can’t restrain him, but I finally let him go and then went to give him a big bear hug, telling him I couldn’t let him sin, but I loved him and eventually he started to laugh and that’s how God is with us He gives us a choice to sin, but He always covers us with His love. And that’s what’s important His love and He’s showing me that He’s our Redeemer. Job’s friends were telling him that his life sucked and he should stop sinning and he was like yeah you’re right my life sucks, but you’re not in control of it and the Lord redeemed him and then again with Naomi her husband and two sons died yet eventually He redeemed her and she was the grandmother of Obed the long lost grandmother of Jesus. That’s redemption. And I think that’s it for now….

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